A Toolkit to Reduce Early Chronic Absence
Created by the Oakland Attendance Collaborative.
Developed by Oakland Education Cabinet’s Attendance Support Committee, the Every Day Counts Toolkit provides ready-made materials that administrators, staff, teachers, and community partners can use for outreach to families and provides tools that schools can use to assess their own attendance practices and guide their improvement.
Every Day Counts
Toolkit Files
Every Day Counts – Complete (English)
Download the complete 13-page toolkit which includes:
- Establishing School-Wide Attendance Incentives
- Ideas for Incentives
- Getting in Touch with Hard-to-Reach Parents & Guardians
- Resources and Tips for School and After-school Staff
- Joining Forces to Improve Student Attendance: How Community Partners Can Help!
- A Tool for Self-Assessment
- Help Your Child Succeed in School: Build the Habit of Good Attendance Early
- and a Certificate of Achievement
Every Day Counts – Individual Files (English)
- What is the toolkit? (PDF)
- Attendance Incentives (PDF)
- Community Partners (PDF)
- Hard to Reach Parents (PDF)
- School Staff Handout (PDF)
- Self Assessment (PDF)
- Achievement Certificate (PDF)
Parent Flyer
- Parent Flyer – English (PDF)
- Parent Flyer – Spanish (PDF)
- Parent Flyer – Chinese (PDF)
- Parent Flyer – Vietnamese (PDF)
- Parent Flyer – Cambodian (PDF)
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