Truancy Dimissal Ceremony (2019)
The Alameda County District Attorney’s Office is committed to addressing the epidemics of chronic absenteeism and habitual truancy. We are highly aware of the correlation between poor school attendance during childhood and teen years and eventual involvement in the criminal justice system.
The DA’s Office is dedicated to working together with educators, school administrators, law enforcement, health professionals and community based organizations to ensure that our youth attend school every day and graduate ready to succeed in college and work.
Many excellent programs, interventions, and strategies exist to keep students present and engaged in school. This website is a hub for information, tools, and resources that we believe will prove valuable in this joint endeavor.
For more information, please contact Assistant District Attorney Teresa Drenick.

Truancy & Attendance Presentation
The Components of a Comprehensive Truancy and Attendance Program
- Why does it matter?
- Early intervention at school…
- The DA and court process
- What’s new for 2019/2020
- Collaborations w/ outside agencies
- Intersection w/ other areas…
- Topics to Consider
Download the 2019 Truancy and Attendance Presentation (PDF) given by ADA Drenick to school districts.

Referral Handbook
For the most up-to-date information about the referral process, download the 2019-2020 Referral Handbook (PDF).
The DA’s Office is proud to announce our H.E.A.L. program won a 2016 National Association of Counties Achievement Award.
The HEAL (Health, Education, and Attendance for life) Program was awarded in the criminal justice and public safety category for addressing the link between school absences and health struggles in young children.

Main Causes of Truancy
Based on cases we see here at the DA’s Office, there are numerous causes of truancy including:
- physical health issues
- transportation
- ineffective parenting
- bullying
- mental health issues
- finance
- and a dysfunctional home environment
Our Truancy Programs work with the family and the court to address these issues, enact strategies to improve or manage the struggles, and provide the support the family requires to help get their child (or children) back into school.
The attendance toolkit, Every Day Counts, is now available. Download the complete toolkit or individual files (PDF)